We all use it because it provides us with minty fresh breath by getting rid of bacteria and some formulas can even help us fight gingivitis and whiten our teeth.
Little do we know that Listerine can be used for so much more than that! This amazing mouthwash is quite the tool for the famous life hacks and today we’ll be taking a look at 15 incredible Listerine uses you should be aware of.
Let’s get started and let the mind blown begin!
Get Rid of Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus will transform your toenails completely, and not for the better! They’re most common among men, people who have diabetes, athlete’s foot, smokers, and people with a weak immune system.
Not to worry! Listerine can help you get out of this pickle. Just soak your feet in Listerine mixed with warm water for about 20 minutes. Do this at least once a week and you’ll see how your toenail fungus disappears.
Toilet Cleaner

That’s right! It turns out that Listerine can be a powerful cleaning product for your toilet. The very same properties that make it so essential to our dental care are what make it perfect to both sanitize and deodorize toilets. Just put a little bit of Listerine in your toilet, give it a good brush and flush!
Soothe Annoying Itches

Listerine can help you both sooth and get rid of an itch very fast! This means that Listerine is extremely helpful when it comes to bug bites and poison ivy rashes. Just dab some of it on a cotton ball and apply it! It will feel a lot better in no time at all and it will help get rid of inflammation and redness.
Back-Up Deodorant

I know, it seems weird, but it works. If you forgot to shop and you realized that you ran out of deodorant just when you’re getting ready, don’t worry. Listerine has your back, just rub a little bit of it on your armpit to stop the smell.
Remember that armpit smell is caused by bacteria and Listerine is an antibacterial because that’s the same cause for bad breath. That’s how it can help you stay fresh while you get a new deodorant.
Bye, Bye, Dandruff!

Dandruff is one of the most annoying things that can ever happen to your hair. I might be exaggerating, but it’s definitely on the top 5. If you’re having a hard time dealing with it, consider giving yourself a little Listerine scalp massage and wrap a towel around your head. Let it sit for a few minutes and rinse it out. I’m telling you, it’s magic!
Get Rid of Lice

Lice is very common among children. I mean, let’s face it, we all went through that. If you couldn’t avoid it, don’t panic! This can be easily fixed and there’s no need to spend too much on expensive products. Just soak your hair in Listerine and let it sit in a shower cap for a couple hours before washing your hair. See?! No big deal, no one has to find out.
De-Flea Your Pets

Fleas are to dogs what lice are to humans! They’re very common and it’s very annoying. The easiest solution for this problem would be getting flea sprays. The only downside to that is they can be expensive, so if you’re on a budget at the moment, grab your Listerine and mix is with either water or dog shampoo. Give your dog their usual bath and that’s it!
Facial Cleanser

Thanks to Listerine’s powerful antiseptic properties, it can be used as a facial cleanser to help you keep your face fresh. In case you’re having a bit of a battle with acne, Listerine can help you a lot. Just make sure you discuss it with your dermatologist! I want to help you save a few bucks, but make sure it’s safe.
Toothbrush Cleaner

Listerine keeps your mouth clean, so of course it can keep your toothbrush clean as well. Toothbrushes need to be cleaned regularly, so make sure you dip it in a bit of boiling water for a few seconds and then give it a little Listerine rinse. Clean toothbrushes actually last longer, so don’t forget to make it a habit!
Screen Cleaner

I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit of a freak about clean screens. They get dirty so easily! The next time you want to give them a little clean, spray a little bit of Listerine and it will do the trick. This applies to your laptop, computer monitor, TV, and specially to your phone because it’s one of the things that you touch the most.
Remove Ticks

Ticks are more than gross! No one wants to personally deal with them, so if you don’t want to get your hand close to them, just grave a paper towel soaked in Listerine and put it on top of the tick. It will let go after a few seconds and you won’t have to yank it out and hurt your dog in the process.
Heal Bruises

Bruises look bad and sometimes they show up out of nowhere. Not to worry, they don’t last long, and you can make them disappear a lot sooner and heal faster by soaking a cotton ball in Listerine and holding it over the bruise. Listerine will encourage blood flow and soon the bruise will be gone!
Soothe Blisters

Blisters can cause quite a bit of discomfort and unfortunately, they’re very common. When you get one, you shouldn’t allow it to get infected! That’s where Listerine comes in, so just dab a little bit on your blister and that’s that.
Soothe Toothaches

Toothaches can be quite unbearable, and they can drive us a bit crazy. To avoid that, dab a little Listerine in the area so you can help numb the pain a bit. Listerine is also very helpful for when you scratch or bite your inner cheeks!