Doctors warn: If you use Aluminum Foil, Stop It Right Now And This Is The Reason Why

Best believe, aluminum is the top distributed metal on earth. It has multipurpose use in how we handle our cookware, drink water, and even makes special appearances in baking sodas, vanilla powders, aspirins, deodorants, cake mixes and other products.
Despite this, aluminum foil might be one of the biggest threat we don’t think about. A recent study revealed that heat causes the aluminum from the foil to leach out into higher dangerous amounts.
The researches discovered significantly high dangerous levels of aluminum in food after its cooked, reheated, or just simply cooled on aluminum foil. The cause for concern is that when aluminum accumulates in the body, it causes osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s.
Dr. Zubaidy, one of the study authors reveals that “The higher the temperature, the more the leaching. Foil is not suitable for cooking and is not suitable for using with vegetables like tomatoes, citrus juice or spices.”
Also, the researches pointed out that foil is safe to wrap cold food since when the food isn’t heated, there was no signs of leaching. They discovered as well a minor different if the shiny or dull side came in contact with the food.
It continues, aluminum also gets into a couple of different food additives on the market, so many of them are common in pubs and restaurants worldwide. It could be easy to think because this is used worldwide the metal would cause no harm right? Sadly, not. Your body is better off without aluminum.
Due to the fact the body doesn’t require aluminum, it has no clear instructions what to do with it. Most times, the body attempts to get rid of it but with time it builds up. Overtime, this metal stalls in our lungs, brains, kidneys, liver and thyroid which leads to the listed detrimental effect on your body.
Aluminum damages the Central Nervous System (CNS)
Back in the mid 2000’s, aluminum exposure was associated with autism in younger children. In particular, with children exposed to high aluminum levels in drinking water.  As for adults, exposure to this metal can cause an increased risk of having Alzheimer’s disease and lytico-bodig which resembles lateral sclerosis.

Aluminum can Damage your Brain
Know that the above mentioned point already links aluminum toxicity to the dangerous effects it has on the human brain but there’s more. Research shows that aluminum leads to toxic, oxidative stress in the brain. This stress causes ADD, epilepsy, MS, and other neurological disorders which aren’t the easiest conditions to treat.
Aluminum depletes your body of valuable minerals
When the human brain is exposed to high levels of aluminum, the metal crosses the blood-brain and gathers pace around the hippocampus, cortex and other regions which are linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Due to the fact more aluminum is going into your brain that it can take care of, the brain cells stand the risk of suffering significant toxic damage.
Aluminum can damage your bones
Aluminum doesn’t only build up around the brain, it could also accumulate around one’s bone tissue, causing a weakened bones and contributing to the risk of developing Osteoporosis.
If your goal is to stay away from aluminum, its advisable you stop eating certain unhealthy, processed foods that brings aluminum to your diet. As much as that is a great start, consider buying kitchen products that don’t have aluminum and below are three products which you can y=use as a substitute and is aluminum free.
Natural Aluminum-free Deodorant
Silicone Baking Mats
Cast Iron Skillet