Here’s How to Teach Your Dog to Stop Barking

Every dog owner understands just how frustrating it is to have a dog that barks at everything and anything that moves or makes a sound. Trust me, I have a little poodle and sometimes it gets crazy!
Inappropriate barking can be very annoying and even embarrassing to us, but we have to understand this is perfectly normal behavior. Especially if you’re dealing with puppies or dogs that get excited very easily!
Barking is the only means of communication our four-legged friends have, and it’s their way of telling us when someone is coming. The only problem is that they can’t always differentiate between an intruder and a friend.
That’s why you need to help them regulate their barking and today I bring you 5 ways to get your dogs to stop barking when it’s not necessary. Just keep in mind that these strategies won’t work immediately.
Please be patient and put these tips into practice, make them a habit, and you’ll see that your dog’s behavior will start to improve.

Keep your cool!

When our dogs start barking their little heads off, our first response is to freak out as well. We immediately start yelling for them to stop, but did you know that they actually think you’re joining the party? Yeah, to them you’re just barking along.
Instead of doing that, keep your cool and stay calm. The most effective way to get your dog to stop barking is to develop a signal; it could be a command, a look, a sound, or a physical correction, this depends on what works for your dog.

Get rid of the cause

In order to fix a problem, first you need to know what’s wrong. In this case, you’ll have to find out what’s causing your dog to bark. If their barking at something they see out the window, then close the blinds after you make sure there’s nothing suspicious going on. You never know.
If you’re playing out on the yard and they’re barking at passersby, then take your dog inside. In case your dog is simply barking for attention, ignore them, and if they want to play, go for a little run. The key is to redirect their attention!
“Quiet” command

There’s a very simple way to do this. First, when your dog barks, praise them and use a verbal cue. It can be “bark”, so they associate their barking with the word.
Once you get them to understand this, encourage them to bark. When they do, give them a different treat and use a different verbal cue, like “quiet”. Get them to associate the not barking with this word and then continue training until the cues are integrated well.

Desensitize your dog

The main goal here is to help your dog get used to the stimuli that usually causes them to bark. If they tend to bark at people, sit with them as they look out the window and every time they bark, show them a treat, put the “quiet” command into practice, and don’t give it to them until they stop barking. This way, your dog will associate quiet with something positive, like treats!

Dogs also want to have fun!

Dogs get bored as much as we do, and they tend to make quite a fuzz about it. If this is the case, you can avoid barking out of boredom or frustration by making sure they get enough exercise every day; both mentally and physically!
Put these tips into practice and I guarantee you’ll have a quieter house in no time!