The Coolest Sculptures You Have to See to Believe

If you haven’t yet heard about Chinese contemporary artist Li Hongbo or his work, you’re missing out. Not only has Hongbo stared in many viral videos around the Internet, he has been working for years to perfect his craft.
The paper sculptures he makes appear to be classical plaster busts upon first view, but many are shocked to realize they are really made of extremely thin sheets of paper that have been glued together. There may not be anything else out there like this.
Hongbo layers thousands of sheets of paper and carves them into busts, creating dazzling replicas of both nature and the human form. As he pulls the ends apart, it seems as if they will stretch out like they’re made of some gooey substance. 

Unsurprisingly, each and every sculpture takes an amazing amount of time and attention as they take near five months to finish.
Currently, Hongbo has sculptures on exhibit at the Klein Sun Gallery in New York. At the gallery, the internals of the sculptures are even revealed for keen visitors.  Amy, who works at the gallery, gets quite the workout moving the sculptures around because “It’s a relatively heavy piece.”Check out the video below to see the sculptures with your own eyes.