As with kale, avocado has some amazing benefits. Not only are there a massive amount of nutrients inside an avocado that can really get your day going on the right track, you can mix and match it in just about any meal or smoothie. The only real problem is the seed, which may have more benefits than you previously thought.
To get the most out of an avocado, eating the seed itself may actually be a fantastic addition to your diet. Recent research actually shows that avocado pits are just a valuable as the fruit itself.
As few people really know about these benefits, probably because we don’t typically think about consuming avocado seeds as cracking them open can be difficult, most people don’t pay attention to them. But the seeds actually are worth the added effort.
Housing over 70 percent of the fruit’s total antioxidant amount, it’s more beneficial to consume the seed than the fleshy avocado.
Here are a few fantastic examples displaying how the seed can help you:
Arthritis and joint pain
According to Daily Superfood Love, the seeds in avocados contain catechins and procyanidins that are antioxidants great for reducing inflammation, swelling, and stiff joints, making it great for those that have arthritis of joint pain.
As avocado seeds contain lots of fiber, according to Daily Superfood Love, they can aid you by making you feel more satisfied with any of your meals. They can even help maintain blood sugar levels, which can help control your urge to snack on sweet treats.
Skin and hair
Because the seeds are so rich in antioxidants, they can fix damaged skin cells and aid in creating collagen, says Daily Superfood Love. Step to Health also adds that it’s great if you have dry skin or even dandruff. By combining the seed with castor oil, your hair will become more lustrous quickly.
To get all these benefits and more, begin by removing the seed from the avocado by lodging a knife into it. Then, twist and pull the knife to easily remove the seed without destroying the entire avocado.
Daily Superfood Love suggests chopping the seed into pieces with a sharp knife, but be very cautious as this may be dangerous. Instead, LiveStrong says to put the seed in a food processor.
Once the seed is chopped up, the powder can be used to make awesome healthy smoothies.
As Science Update reported, if you’re not used to eating avocado seeds, it is possible for you to experience slight gastric distress in the beginning. But don’t let that worry you; the nutrients in the seed are quite beneficial.