How To Make A Bookshelf Chair

How To Make A Bookshelf Chair
This awesome chair combines comfortable seating with the organization of a bookshelf to create an awesome reading area. This bookshelf chair can be built in the comfort of your home with a bit of skill and a little patience, saving you a lot of money in comparison to buying an expensive version in a furniture store. Plus, you’ll be able to completely call it your own while feeling great about having completed the project yourself.
Perfect for anyone who would love a place to rest while being completely surrounded by books, this chair is any book lovers dream. You can only imagine how amazing it would be to relax with a good book on a rainy day (or any day for that matter). Even better, the chair looks stylish, which makes it an excellent accent piece that will transform any room in your home.

With a few materials and a little bit of handiwork, you’ll be on your way to creating the best reading area with this bookshelf chair. You can find the full, in-depth instructions here