DIY Soft Cat Bed




 Elastic Fabric green, white, brown, brown horizontal stripes
- Cotton stuffed inside
- Scissors, pins
- Kim stitch, only

Step 1:

- First, you cut the fabric into two plates first green frog, 77cm wide and 60cm high. Cut 1 white cloth with a width of 60cm and 44cm high. Cut 1 horizontal stripe fabric with a width of 43cm and 33cm high.

- Place the sheet stack between horizontal stripes on white cloth, using fixed pin and sew the fabric edge contour.
Sample smooth bed for cat 2

Step 2:

- Next, you put the white cloth on the right side of green cloth, using fixed pin and stitch border around the edge of the fabric white cloth.
Sample smooth bed for cat 3

Step 3:

- Cut the white cloth as whites and brown cloth frog eyes as the iris, iris set up on whites and contoured stitching fabric. Then you set eyes on green cloth and sewing on fabric.
Sample smooth bed for cat 4

Step 4:

- Apply to the face of the 2nd green cloth surface to the first green cloth, sewn hem edge of the fabric 0.5cm - 1cm, offset a mid below to roll right side out.
Sample smooth bed for cat 5

Step 5:

- Upside right side out, use clippers nose angle diagonal sides frog eyes. Stitch seaming along horizontal stripe fabric, offset below the mid to stuffed inside.
Sample smooth bed for cat 6 Step 6:

- Stuffed in the midst of fabric sewn stripes and tight spaces.

Sample smooth bed for cat 7

So a cat with soft bed then!

Step 7:

- Finally, you stuffed into a circle on the outside and sewing space is complete.