19 DIY Cool And No-Money Decorating Ideas for Your Wall

 Who says art has to mean anything, or require any creativity whatsoever? There are literally thousands of different ways to make beautiful art for the walls of your home or office. Give your bare walls a makeover with these easy, budget-friendly ideas.

Tutorial: everythingemilyblog.com

Source: marinobambinos.com

Source: numberedstreetdesigns.blogspot.com

Tutorial: thehomesihavemade.com

Tutorial: whiletheysnooze.blogspot.com

Tutorial: apartmenttherapy.com

Tutorial: karapaslaydesigns.com

Tutorial: designsponge.com

Tutorial: vintagerevivals.com

Source: bluecactusstyling.com

DIY toilet paper rolls wall decor

Tutorial: brit.co


Tutorial: ehow.com

Source: instiz.net

Source: wired.com

Tutorial: instructables.com

Source: designsponge.com